Activism: Gandhian and Other Experiments


'Sharbat Piyo, Nafrat Mat Karo' 14 March 2024

Day 3 of Fast: A ghazal to cheer you all up

Read about this here:

G20 "Indian Mothers We Are With You" "G20 Stop Taking Our Children Too!"
"Thank You Indian Judges"

Read more about this here:

On the Release of Film Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway

Delivering Mirror and Bangles to Norwegian Ambassador. More here.

Protest During Visit of Norwegian Prime Minister in Nov. 2015


Protesting before the Norwegian Ambassador, 2019 

Inter-Faith Prayer Meet for Peace in Manipur, Gandhi National Museum,
New Delhi, July 2023

Tum Mere Paas Raho', a translation into Hindustani of one of Gandhiji's
favourite hymns, 'Abide With Me', and 'We Need A Peace Package' inspired
by the words of Ojha Ratan Thiyam, performed at the Inter-Faith Prayer Meet
at the National Gandhi Museum in New Delhi on July 5, 2023

Speaking on Basant Panchami at an anti-CAA Protest at Jamia Milia Islamia 
University, New Delhi in January 2020

Addendum: The date was wrongly printed. It was 2020!

Protesting the Pandemic Response. Yes, I did not agree 
with the public health response. More here.   

Covid Talks Part 1. More here.
