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Snap Out of it India, the King is Dead!

by Suranya Aiyar June 5, 2024 Narendra Modi It is quite bizarre to wake up in India on the Fifth of June 2024 to headlines declaring the return of Narendra Modi to power when the results of the General Election yesterday saw him snatch defeat from the jaws of victory for his party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). There is no party that has won the majority of seats in this election. In this sense, the election has been lost by all parties, but the only party to be truly defeated is the BJP. It is the BJP that has lost a Parliamentary majority in this election. Moreover, in this 2024 Parliament of No-Winners, it is the BJP that has suffered the greatest loss of all parties, coming in at 62 seats below the number it won previously. Not only has the BJP lost over 20 percent of its seats, its rivals of the INDIA Alliance have all made massive seat-gains this election. The Congress Party has nearly doubled its seats in Parliament, even though it fought on fewer seats than the last electio

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