Controversy over Fast

I was in two minds as to whether to go into the controversy over my fast here as the idea was to keep the discussion on Think India thoughtful and elegant. But on reflection I decided that it was a good idea to include it as an example for readers of the distortion and aggression in India's polity today. 

One outcome of the way I handled the press, by not going live on their channels or directly commenting to the print media, and instead speaking only from my social media platform, was that they were forced to run my actual speech, which is where I wanted the focus to be instead of getting into a verbal duel with anyone. 

The controversy ran on the news for about five days and most channels used only the first few minutes of my speech. I think because they were unable to find anything specifically objectionable in it. As a result, in the middle of what was being presented as a universal endorsement of a certain view of history and the role of religion in our polity, you had "I love my Mughal heritage" and "I love my Muslim brothers and sisters" playing on repeat for five days on every national channel.

 Press Statement in English 31 January 2024


Goodmorning, I just received a call from a television channel saying that a certain Residents Welfare Association has issued a notice against me for fasting in my house over the matter on which I have already spoken and my speech, both written and spoken, are up.

I was asked to give a “byte” and so on. But I believe that one of the reasons why the atmosphere in the country is so toxic is because of the manner in which television is being used to have what are called debates which are not debates; the manner in which these channels are conducting themselves.

And I think that all of us in India deserve a better kind of conversation, and a better kind of engagement. I think that we are better than this. Ofcourse, we will disagree. I expressed the reasons for my disagreement in my speech earlier. And I made a spiritual presentation of my own pain about this by fasting peacefully in my home.

So I have decided not to engage in any kind of television interview or giving a “sound byte” or anything else, other than saying what I have already said. I have not myself received [the notice], I have only heard of this from the journalist. And I just want to tell everyone who is watching this that I am 49 years old and I have lived in this country for all my life, except for when I was studying abroad; and I have worked in many different fields, and you all know me.

You all know me from both sides of the political aisle, and I really believe that we have to stop treating each other like this. And I think that whether you agree with what I say or not, I think that somewhere inside the people who know me and educated people who are watching what is going on will also feel that this is not how we should be conducting ourselves.

So I hope that this gives everybody an opportunity to think about where we are going, and how we are going and whether we want to become like this.

I am not keeping away from television because I want to avoid a conversation. I want to have a conversation and that is why I expressed my views.

[But] I don’t necessarily want to engage in a shouting match individually with anyone. I come from a political family, so I know that politics is very serious for us; and it is a question of not only beliefs and intellectual thinking, but also of feelings and sentiments - from whichever side of the political spectrum you come.

So I can understand if people would want to take the conversation further and express their own point and counterpoint and so on. I think that should happen. But it is not necessary for us to be facing each other and shouting at each other to do that. There are many other ways of expressing ourselves which can be civilized, and thoughtful, and reflective. And it really doesn’t matter whether I am persuaded or you individually are persuaded, if you are of a different view to mine.

What matters is that whatever point of view we put forward, whether people are able to see some sense in it. And if at the end of the day, at the end of this process, in India, we can even just find a more civilised, a more thinking and a more sincere way of talking and feeling about these things, then we would have achieved something. [Because] right now things are pretty pathetic. And that’s all I have to say.

Ofcourse, I believe in the press. It is supposed to be the fourth estate. It is one of the pillars of democracy. But unfortunately at the moment, it is just not functioning in a way where it is doing anything other than creating confusion and toxicity, which is why I think it would be best for me to avoid the mainstream press at the moment; and so long as I have this platform, to simply speak to you from here.

Jai Hind!            

                                               Press Statement in Hindi 31 January 2024

मुझे आज सुबह एक टेलीविजन चैनल से फोन आया कि किसी रेजिडेंट्स वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन  (RWA) ने हाल ही के मेरे अपने घर में अकेले अनशन करने के लिए मेरे खिलाफ नोटिस जारी किया है। सबसे पहली और मजेदार बात तो ये है कि मैं उस कॉलोनी में नहीं रहती हूँ, और न ही वहां मैंने कोई जगह खरीदी हुइ है या किराए पे ली है. वैसे भी शेरनी तो जंगल में रहती है।

मैं आपको ये भी बता दूं कि मुझे नोटिस नहीं मिला है, मैंने केवल रिपोर्टर से इसके बारे में सुना है। मैंने अनशन क्यों किया इसके बारे में मैं पहले ही बता चुकी हूं और इस बारे में मेरा आधे घंटे का लिखित और मौखिक भाषण पहले से ही  19 जनवरी से ऑनलाइन है।

मुझसे टेलीविजन चैनल ने "बाइट" वगैरह देने के लिए कहा । लेकिन मेरा मानना ​​है कि देश में माहौल इतना जहरीला होने का एक कारण ये चैनल ही हैं । जिसे वे डिबेट कहते हैं, वह वास्तव में डिबेट नहीं है। और मुझे लगता है कि भारत में हम सभी को बेहतर तरह की बातचीत और बेहतर तरह का संवाद करना चाहिए।

हम विवेकी और सुंदर संवाद की परंपरा वाले प्राचीन सभ्यता से हैं। इसे कविता में व्यक्त किया जाता है, लय -बद्ध किया जाता है और यही कारण है कि हमारे कई शास्त्रों को गीता और लीला कहा जाता है। वाल्मिकी रामायण के शुरुआती अध्यायों में कहा गया है कि इसे तीनों लयों में - विलम्बित, मध्य और ध्रुत - तीनों लयों में गाया जा सकता है।

मेरा मानना ​​है कि हम सुंदर और सुरुचिपूर्ण संवाद की उस परंपरा को भूल गए हैं। बेशक, हम समय-समय पर असहमत होंगे। मैंने कुछ दिनों पहले अपने भाषण में अपनी असहमति व्यक्त की थी। और मैंने अपने घर में शांतिपूर्वक अकेले अनशन करके इस बारे में अपने दर्द की प्रस्तुति दी।

तो मैंने फैसला किया है कि मैं फिलहाल किसी भी तरह के टेलीविजन कार्यक्रम में शामिल नहीं हूँगी और किसी भी मीडिया को कमेंट नहीं दूंगी।

और मैं एक और बात कहना चाहती हूं - मैं अपनी पूरी जिंदगी, उनचास साल, इसी देश में रही हूं, सिवाय कि जब मैं विदेश में पढ़ रही थी. मैंने कई अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में काम किया है, और राजनीतिक दृष्टिकोण के दोनों पक्षों से आप सभी मुझे जानते हैं। मैं आपसे पूछना चाहती हूं कि क्या आपको ऐसा नहीं लगता है कि हमें एक-दूसरे के साथ इस तरह का, नोटिस देने का और डराने-धमकाने का, व्यवहार बंद करना चाहिए।

मुझे लगता है कि चाहे आप मेरी बात से सहमत हों या न हों, जो लोग मुझे जानते हैं और जो शिक्षित, ऐज्यूकेटिड लोग देख रहे हैं कि क्या हो रहा है, उन्हें भी कहीं -न-कहीं यह महसूस होगा कि हमें इस तरह का व्यवहार नहीं करना चाहिए।

मुझे उम्मीद है कि मेरे साथ जो हो रहा है, इससे हर किसी को यह सोचने का मौका मिलेगा कि हम कहां जा रहे हैं, कैसे जा रहे हैं और क्या हम ऐसा बनना चाहते हैं।

मैं टेलीविजन से इसलिए दूरी नहीं बना रही हूं क्योंकि मैं बातचीत या डिबेट से बचना चाहती हूं। मैं बातचीत और डिबेट चाहती हूं.

इसीलिए ही तो मैंने अपने विचार कुछ दिन पहले अपने भाषण में व्यक्त किये. लेकिन मैं किसी के साथ व्यक्तिगत रूप से चिल्ला-चिल्लाकर लड़ाई में शामिल नहीं होना चाहती ।

एक राजनीतिक परिवार से आती हूं, इसलिए मुझे पता है कि राजनीति हमारे लिए बहुत सीरियस है; और यह न केवल आइडियौलेजी या सोच का सवाल है, बल्कि भावनाओं और संवेदनाओं का भी है - चाहे आप राजनीतिक मान्यताओं के किसी भी पक्ष से हों।

इसलिए मैं समझ सकती हूं कि मेरा भाषण सुनने के बाद लोग अपनी बात और प्रतिवाद वगैरह व्यक्त करना चाहेंगे। मुझे लगता है ऐसा होना चाहिए.

लेकिन ऐसा करने के लिए हमें टीवी चैनलों पर एक-दूसरे पर चिल्लाना जरूरी नहीं है। अपनी बात रखने के कई और तरीके हैं, जो सभ्य, विचारशील और चिंतनशील हो सकते हैं।

मायने यह रखता है कि हम जो भी विचार सामने रखते हैं, लोग उसमें कुछ देख पाते हैं या नहीं। और यदि भारत में हम इन चीज़ों के बारे में अधिक सभ्य, अधिक सोच-विचार और बात करने और चीज़ों को महसूस करने का अधिक ईमानदार तरीका खोज सकें, तो हमने कुछ हासिल किया होगा। क्योंकि अभी, इस समय में, सार्वजनिक चर्चा बहुत गिरी हुई है, गाली-गलौच और झूठ के अलावा और कुछ नहीं है।

मेरा मानना ​​है कि प्रेस किसी भी लोकतंत्र में आवश्यक है। लेकिन दुख की बात है कि इस समय प्रेस और मीडिया सिर्फ भ्रम और जहर फ़ैला रहे हैं। इसीलिए मुझे लगता है कि मीडिया से दूर रहना ही मेरे लिए सबसे अच्छा होगा। और जब तक मेरे पास यह मंच है, मैं यहीं से आपसे बात करती रहूंगी।

जय हिन्द!

During my fast I got messages from all over the country and abroad, Indians and Indian-origin people of all religious backgrounds, expressing their happiness at my gesture, thanking me for speaking what had been on their minds and talking about the ways in which they were expressing their own protest. I also sensed that people had been feeling very demoralised and hopeless. 

When the controversy blew up two weeks later, I knew that everyone would be feeling intimidated and deflated afresh – as though what had gone on before had not been enough. So, on the morning of February 1st, the day after the news exploded with the controversy, I sent them this message to cheer them up.   

As the controversy dragged on and on, I too got upset, angry and frankly in the mood to punch someone on the nose. Most un-Gandhian, in-elegant and unworthy of the ideals of Think India, I know. 

In one of my speeches while fasting I had said that this was a way of registering one's protest without being confrontational. I got a good lesson in how any questioning of the Hindutvavadi position could be taken as confrontational by its votaries. 

But I refuse to lose hope and urge you all to be the same. Once, in the middle of giving birth to my first baby, without any pain relief, I cried out "I can't do it" and I really meant it, and the doctor said very calmly "You have to". And that's how it is for us all. 

Three days later, I successfully staged "Satyagraha" as planned, a play written and directed by me on Gandhiji. I was not going to allow all this drama to stop me. Here are some photos from the show.



The above video has death threats

Please note the words in the profile picture

Please note the pictures in the background

More abuse

There were many more. I give some examples in the last video. But I don't put all this here for you to feel sorry for me. I put these examples here so that people can see the reality of what is going on in India today behind the call to Hindu gods and sentiments.

Statement of February 2, 2024: Elder gentlemen should not threaten youngsters, especially ladies

Hello again everyone,

I am back here to take stock of events since my fast and to talk about the way ahead. First, I want to thank all those who reached out in solidarity and agreement with what I said and what I did. There are many, many people who are disturbed by the situation in India, who said they agreed with every word I said and who thanked me for doing this. There were even some who said they were already fasting or were inspired to themselves fast for the same reasons as I did. This was all very heartwarming and gives me hope for our country.

There are many things that I want to talk about but first of all I think that it is quite interesting for us to look at the YouTube analytics of my speech to get a sense of how people are responding to it. This is, ofcourse, only a very rough and ready sort of analysis, but I am putting it here for what it is worth. The YouTube views stand at about 9000 today. Of these about 6000 were between January 19th and January 30th  - this is before a certain Resident’s Welfare Association of a colony where I do not and have never lived made a controversy of my fast and speech, which was followed by a tweet from a famous BJP functionary, and hysterical news reports on all television channels and in all mainstream newspapers for about 5 days continuously. Despite all this free publicity, views on my speech only rose by about 2000 from 6000 to 8000 in this period which, judging by the last negative comment that I received, lasted till about February 7. After that the views rose to about 9000, so another thousand over ten days but with no negative comments and a steady increase in likes, so I am going to assume for this analysis that this small but steady trickle of viewers is of those favourable to the views that I expressed.

Now, taking a thumb rule that the pre-Jan 31st, i.e. pre publicity views, were of seculars and the post publicity views were of Hindu chauvinists, the ratio of seculars to chauvinists is 3 seculars to 1 Hindu chauvinist. If you add the 1000 in the last ten days, then the ratio rises to 3.5 seculars to 1 chauvinist. And if you further adjust these figures for the fact that the 6000 secular views were pre-publicity, whereas the 2000 chauvinist views were after massive publicity, then the proportion of chauvinists goes down to a mere fraction of seculars. And, at the same time, the percentage of likes to dislikes on the video is at 70 percent to 30 percent. So this also indicates the much larger measure of support versus opposition to what I said.

But while this is very encouraging and good, I think I need to tell you about the hate mail that I received because too many of my Hindu friends who self-identify as secular but who disagree with me about the January 22nd production say that democracy and freedom of speech is all well in India, and that what we are seeing is all about Hindu love of their gods and there is no element of animosity or any negative feeling towards anyone involved in any of this and that Hindus are being freed from 500 years of ghulami (ghulami means enslavement).

So let me read to you the hate mail that I got on Facebook and You Tube. I did not post these on my You Tube video because I wanted the conversation to stay positive, but just because I was brave and restrained in responding to the filthy abuse and threats that were made to me and my family, I find this is giving my Hindu friends who don’t agree with me the excuse to remain in a state of self-delusion as to what is really going on in India today. So I have decided that I must tell them what I was subjected to from their ideological fraternity. What I will now read is very ugly and can be distressing to the reader so please switch off here if you are not able to take filthy and hateful language.

Exhibit No. 1: This is from one Mr Narayan Singh whose Facebook profile picture is a red background with the words “Ram Ram Ji” on it.

“Sali Randi Harami Randi Ki Dogale kutta ki chudayi ki nasal Sali randi teri maa ki choot me gadhe ka land Sali tere muh kutta mute”

Exhibit No. 2: This is from a prominent national Hindi TV Channel in which four men, of whom three were dressed in sadhu attire and had various huge tikkas on their foreheads, and one was in shirt and trousers, were interviewed. Of these four, the second person, who wore orange robes and had a big tika and vibhuti and a large banner of some Sangathan behind him says this about me (the name of the video also has my name in it) “Aise logon ko mukt ho jana chahiye. Aise logon ko dharti pe koi avashyakta nahi hai. Inko lagta hai ki hum jite ji to mukt nahin ho sakte Ramji ka naam aur virodh kar kar ke to usko lagta hai ki mrityu ke baad jab uske peechhe log challenge aur kahenge ‘Ram Nam satya hai’ to ho sakta hai ki uski mukti ho jaye. Mujhe lagta hai ki aise logon ko dharti par jine ka adhikar nahi hai. Inko Ram Nam se mukti dila hi dena chahiye.” This is what he is saying about me and what is interesting is that only the sadhus statements are aired. The question that the reporter from the channel must have asked is not shown.

Exhibit #3: A news report in a leading Hindi language newspaper in which the RWA member who wrongly thought I live in his colony says that I am lying when I say that I don’t live there and that if I live elsewhere I should announce my address and publish my adhaar card.

I want to ask these Hindu friends of mine who think all is well in the country, how would you like it if in the context of such filthy abuse and death threats, how would you like it if someone kept telling you through a national newspaper to declare your address and publish your identity cards?  

And you know the funny thing is that even while I was writing this speech and setting out the abuse that I received and even as I read this out to you, I am feeling apprehensive that my repeating this abuse is going to be used against me. So this is supposed to be a ghulami-free country for Hindus, in which I, a Hindu woman, am not feeling safe to repeat the abuse I have received and the intimidation to which I have been subjected? Please tell me who is made a ghulam and who is being freed from ghulami?

Exhibit #4: Mr Amit Kumar Pandey from Facebook. His profile picture has a picture of Maa Durga and another one of Maa Kali behind him. “Bahut hi neech aur besharm unpadh aurat ho tum jaisa baap hai gaddar harami vaisi hi ladki ho.”

Exhibit #5: Someone with the You Tube handle @ hanuman-sg9lo: “Abdul ke paas maa jathi thhi ya Abdul ghar me aya tha” and “Pakistan us taraf”

Exhibit #6: Someone with the You Tube handle arjunchauhan9851 “Zahreele drakht ka zahreela phal…poisnous fruit of a poisnous tree.” He also said “Please kick her out…”

Exhibit #7: Someone with the You Tube handle Sabyasachi Banerjee8545: “Your Mughal Heritage [emojis] It seems you were a member of the Mughal harem in your previous birth [laughing emojis] You miss being pumped by the tyrant Mughal rulers [laughing emojis]”

Exhibit #8:  Someone with the You Tube handle pbharatpatoliya1458: “Tu wha rehne laik nhi hai mule”

Exhibit #9: Someone with the You Tube handle Vineet Kumar Singh 9283 “Pagal rula diya tune. Teen din mein mar jayegi. Gaye/Bhains ka maas se apna vrat todna ye un Mughlon ko achhi shraddhanjali hogi.”

Exhibit #10. This is on my video saying elder gentlemen should not threaten youngsters especially ladies, where I said in response to the news item where the RWA person kept telling me to reveal my address, that he should not do so as it is endangering my family. In response, this is what someone with the You Tube handle Arun Sharma-ov1bz said: “We know whom kids they are. You have been to other culture since your marriage. HALALA Products…Don’t be so fake….Your video show everything….”

Exhibit #11: Someone with the You Tube handle Dhan Bahadur Limbu 5564 “No you are purely muslim and go back to pakistaan and bothrel work in pakistaan.

Exhibit #12: Someone with the You Tube handle @prateek Sisodia3915: “Raandi you must go pak if you love muslim lund (laughing emoji)”

Exhibit #13: Someone with the You Tube handle @anand jogi 8058 : “You are free to convert to Islam. Your Mughal love needs this (laughing emoji)

Exhibit #14: Someone with the You Tube handle @seemanprabhakaran224 : “Please vacate the country”

Exhibit #15: Someone with the You Tube handle @BharatiyaSanatan: “You are not citizen of our country, get out from our country. Technically you can claim citizenship, but morally not. We cannot accept neither your father and nor you type of creature are ready to accept as Indian, get out from our country.

Exhibit #16: Someone with the You Tube handle @ke482: “You do look like Muslim. I hope you and your retard dad move out of India for good so people live in peace in India.”

There were others which I made the mistake of blocking and deleting before I realised that I should keep them for the record.

After discussion with lawyers they said, and I agreed as a lawyer myself, that I should not file any police or court complaint about this as it would carry the risk of escalating matters. So please understand the situation in which I have been put, in what my Hindu friends who believe that democracy here is all very well and that everything which happened on January 22nd and the while build up for it was about the love of God, I have no recourse with either the security or judicial apparatus of the state in India today. And we are being told that ghulami has ended? Let all you Hindu friends of mine who think that all is well in India please take note – I as an Indian and a woman do not feel free to ask for any protection or any justice against this filthy abuse and all these threats because I am afraid that this will make matters worse for me, and will be used against me.

And the most unfortunate thing, is that the people who are watching this harassment of me since January the 31st, more than 10 days after I did my fast and made the speech, they are completely intimidated by it. They are not speaking up because they are scared. I see their silent or privately expressed support but the total demoralisation of people of my point of view in India – Indians, Hindus – their demoralisation and fear – from whatever walks of life, station of life they come from, it is palpable.

This is the victory of Hindutvavad. And you can have your victory, but don’t tell me that this is the end of any ghulami. You have made all these scared people your ghulams. This is the age of ghulami in India for anyone who does not agree with you and you can give that whatever name you like to this new age, but it is not an age of freedom. It is an age of intimidation and bullying.

And what showed me how crazy all this was, is that this male relative of mine – a distant relative but one who has known me since I was a small girl. He is a great BJP supporter and he has been bombarding my whatsapp with pro-Modi and other pro-Hindutvavad propaganda ever since he heard of my fast. When I showed him the kind of filthy mails I was getting, he had nothing to say. He just kept on sending his pro-Modi and Hindutvavad propaganda messages. And this showed me how this brand of politics is blinding people. Because no uncle in his sane mind who saw such things being said to their child, that too a girl, would be able to ignore this unless they were completely blinded by their ideology. Is this something to be happy about?

Anyway I have made it quite clear to everyone around me, everyone who loves me, cares for me whom I am responsible for, I will not be silenced by all this, scary and risky as it may be. And you, all my Hindu friends who think all is well in India, who are watching this, I want to ask you. You know me very well. Do you think I deserve to be thrown in jail or to be told to get out of India? Look at how I have served my fellow Indians, without taking a paisa of money, without looking at whether they are Modi-supporters or not – and so many that I have helped are Modi-bhakts. I have helped people without even anyone knowing that I have done so. I have served my countrymen with my whole heart and soul and I have asked for nothing in return – neither money nor recognition. And I am being told to get out of India? I cannot say “I love my Mughal heritage”? I cannot express regret and sorrow about events in India?

I have law degrees from Oxford University and New York University. I have a mathematics degree from St Stephen’s college. I chose to come back to this country. I could have settled in any rich Western country with my education. I came back to India because I love India.

And I am a good person. I have been very generous even to complete strangers here with my time and money. And you want me to be shut up? Do you care what will happen to my children if I am put away? And for what? What did I say that was illegal or scandalising? No one has been able to point to one word till today from what I have said. Not one word.


And is this where we are? My Hindu friends who know me and say that all is well in the country; I want to ask you despite winning a thumping majority in Parliament; despite implementing every point of the Hindutva agenda, even that is not enough and someone like me who thinks this is all wrong has to stay silent or have criminal action taken against them? Is this the level of compliance that you want – that no one is allowed to say they disagree with you? I am not allowed to say that your actions pain me? This is ghulami. And it is time for you people to come to your senses.

Our grandparents made us independent and our fathers liberalised this country. You middle class and elite Hindus, you’ve done really well. I know, because I’ve done well with you. We have reaped the rewards of our freedom and then we have reaped the rewards of the opportunities that were thrown open to us. Now is time for you to stand up and do your duty by this country. 

I will be speaking more. There are many points to go over. But for now I will end with this poem that I wrote when all the drama was at its height.


One day, one day

They will put you away.

One day.


One day, one day

The sky will expand

And Freedom will reign

From Mountain to Sand.

One day.


One day, one day

They will put you away

The silence will deafen

Your will shall be broken

Your pride a mere token.

One day.


One day, one day

The Silence will break

The Song will rise

Lost courage in its wake

With Hope once more prized.

One day.


One day, one day

They will put you away

The end will seem final

The bleakness desp'rate

The judgment determined

Justice blind, obdurate.

One day.


One day, one day

They'll take Love over Hate

Be patient and wait

Find your lost souls, my mates!

One day.


One day, one day

They will put you away.

Your mother will weep

Your father will cry

Your man will despair

Your children,

How'll they fare?

Your sisters will swallow

Their pain and their sorrow.

One day.


One day, one day

The gates will unlock

Joy gushing forth

And Laughter will ring

Colours filling in

Be Brave and we'll win.

One day.


One day, one day

They will put you away

The walls will close in

The darkness will blind

The binds, they will sting

This is hard you will find.

One day.


One day, one day

The Timid will wake

Filled to the brim

With all t'injustice they can take

How long can this last

Only s'long as you look past

The lies and the sins

Say "No!" and Good wins

                         That is all that it takes                          

A pure heart and good mind

Which you have, you will find.

One day.


Jai Hind. Aur Daro Mat.

After this I decided to start this blog and try to go back to a discussion of the ideas that motivated my fast. 


